We have a quality management system certified to ISO 9001
Mail for notifications gender equality PDR 125:2022: segnalazioni@eut.bz.it
Our specialist staff is registered with the following associations:
- Engineering Chamber of the Autonomous Province of Bozen/Bolzano – South Tyrol
- Geology Chamber of Trentino – South Tyrol
- College of Industrial Technicians and Certified Industrial Technicians of the Autonomous Province of Bozen/Bolzano – South Tyrol
- College of Surveyors of the Autonomous Province of Bozen/Bolzano – South Tyrol
Other memberships
- SIG Società Italiana Gallerie (Society of Italian Tunnel Builders)
- Consiglio Nazionale dei Geologi (National Council of Geologists)
- AEIT Federazione Italiana di Elettrotecnica, Elettronica, Automazione, Informatica e Telecomunicazioni (Italian Federation of Electrotechnology, Electronics, Automation, Informatics and Telecommunications)
- ÖGG – Austrian Geological Society
- Ades – Working Party of Safety Experts
- DGGT – German Geotechnical Society
- ecorisQ – Experts in the field of rock falls, avalanches, landslips and protective forests