When planning a residential or commercial building, it is of course important to know what lies under the surface. Unexpected problems arising during construction usually cost time and money, with unfavorable effects in terms of quality and safety. We can offer appropriate, objective-oriented planning of ground reconnaissance to ensure that your project gets off to a good start.
All building activities that have a sizeable underground component (and building works in general) must in Italy by law undergo a geological, seismic and geotechnical survey in accordance with the “norme tecniche per le costruzioni” (Technical Standards for Buildings) as per the Ministerial Decree of 14 January 2008. Apart from the legal regulations, a thorough geological and geotechnical survey of the plot is a precondition for proper, cost-optimised planning, providing a vital basis for the answers to a wide range of questions, reducing construction risks and increasing safety.
In over 20 years of activity in this specific area, we have advised public authorities as well as numerous private customers and well-known companies, providing geological, geotechnical and seismic surveys.